Helsinki is an amazing city for flea markets, vintage shops and antiques. The city and the nearby cities, Espoo and Vantaa, provide a versatile selection of different kinds of flea markets for everyone’s needs. As an avid flea market, a flea market connoisseur if you will, I thought I would share a guide to some of my favourite flea markets in the Helsinki and nearby areas. Each fleamarket will receive a rating which is based on pricing, location, size, quality of products and the general feel of the . I have divided the fleamarkets based on what they sell which makes it easier to find them.
Regular second hand shops
Punavuoren patina, Helsinki – Great quality for your money
Address: Sepänkatu 11, 00150 Helsinki
Rating: 9/10
Size: Punavuoren Patina is small and cosy self-service fleamarket in hipstery Punavuori. The rows of tables are tightly laid out which can be uncomfortable at times but the market is always quite neat and clean which is pleasant for visitors.
Pricing: Amazing quality for your money. Punavuoren Patina is the place where I have found the best clothes and shoes for the cheapest price. The area also brings in a versitile bunch of products so the market caters for everyone from fancy to casual. From middle ground to expensive. UFF’s pricing (for a flea market) is somewhere in the middle ground but as we are talking about vintage some items can be on the expensive end.
Quality of goods: Great! Punavuoren Patina is located in the hipsters dream area, Punavuori, but also nearby the central area, Kamppi, and the rich and prestigious Ullanlinna. The location means that the products in the fleamarket are always relatively good in quality. One can find Finnish design, like Marimekko or Makia, with relatively cheap(ish) price. This is the fleamarket where I go find clothes that would work for business and casual date night.
Feel of the place: A place to visit with friends. Imagine a place where all your childhood friends can find something from regardless if one is a hipster, other a designer lover and one just wears whatever. Thats Punavuoren Patina for me. Sometimes one can also find amazing interior design products here which is always a big plus!
Fida Roba, Helsinki – the Instagrammable displays
Address: Iso Roobertinkatu 22, 00120 Helsinki
Rating: 8,5/10
Size: You can breathe in Fida Roba. Whilst the flea market isn’t the largest it is well organised and laid out in a way that you, your friend, your child, your buggy, and your dog can all roam freely.
Pricing: Middle ground. Fida, much like UFF, is a charity run fleamarket, which means that it is not the cheapest. This is also a benefit as someone coordinates, organises and looks through the things sold which is visible in the quality of the products.
Quality of goods: Great. Fida Roba sells everything from clothes to sofas. There are some amazing vintage goods here but also regular everyday clothes. It is a treasure chest waiting to be rummaged through.
Feel of the place: Dig in, my friend. Fida Roba is probably the most instagrammable fleamarket I have ever been to. With beautiful displays and good quality products it is a good place to visit when you are not really sure what you are looking for. You can always find something here whether it is a silver spoon, a dress for an event or an antique clock.
Relove, Helsinki – Wine and fleamarket anyone?
Address: Fredrikinkatu 25, 00120 Helsinki
Rating: 7,5/10
Size: One of the two Relove’s in Helsinki, this one has a beautiful cafe with wine and a crowded fleamarket side in the same space. On a quiet day one can easily roam around but if there are other people the place can instantly feel packed.
Pricing: High end. Relove sells quite a lot of high end brands which is visible in the pricing.
Quality of goods: Good. That’s pretty much all there is to say about the products.
Feel of the place: It has the big city feel. You could see Relove’s concept in larger cities in Europe. It has that feel. The cafe is lovely and has a very Instagrammable backwall.
Kaivarin Kanuuna, Helsinki – The fancy aunt of Helsinki’s fleamarkets
Address: Vuorimiehenkatu 27, 00140 Helsinki
Rating: 7,5/10
Size: Kaivarin Kanuuna is relatively large self-service fleamarket. The shelves are organised in a way that it is quite easy to move around.
Pricing: Pricey. Kaivarin Kanuuna is a high end fleamarket which is why some products can be expensive. You can also make really good bargains here as sometimes people price their products low.
Quality of goods: Good. A lot of namely brands.
Feel of the place: If you enjoy a high end shopping spree in London, you will enjoy this one. I am not a high end gal myself but I can for sure see the appeal of Kaivarin Kanuuna if you seek brand goodies.
Recci, Helsinki – Great everyday finds
Address: Helsinginkatu 16, 00101 Helsinki
Rating: 8,5/10
Size: A small everyday fleamarket. A pop-in type of a place.
Pricing: Low. Recci is the more everyday clothing kind of fleamarket which is why the clothes in there are also relatively afforadble. I have bought myself trousers and shirt from here for under 5 euros.
Quality of goods: Everything from meh to BARGAIN! As a more everyday fleamarket Recci has clothes and shoes from worn to off-the-self new. Feel of the place: A good place to pop in for a quick look. As this is a small fleamarket there is not so much to rummage through but it is an easy visit on the go.
Kampin kirppis, Helsinki – Beautiful chaos reigns here
Address: Runeberginkatu 8, 00100 Helsinki
Rating: 8/10
Size: BIG. This is the largest of Helsinki’s flea markets. It is a self-service one with huge lines of tables.
Pricing: Everything. This flea market is a treasure chest. You can find the cheapest things here but also the most over priced items. You have to be willing to rummage through.
Quality of goods: Everything again. You can find everything from never worn before to holy-er than thou.
Feel of the place: A messy attic full of goods. I have found the cheapest and the best clothes here but you have to be willing to go through piles and piles of clothes. If you are looking for organised tables and neatness this is not the place.
Spinny Haaga, Helsinki – Surprising things for little money
Address: Kaupintie 13, 00440 Helsinki
Rating: 7/10
Size: Not the smallest but not large either. Spinny is your average fleamarket with few rows of tables.
Pricing: Low to middle ground. Spinny, due to it’s non-central location, is one of the cheaper flea markets.
Quality of goods: Quite OK. You can find really good things but also really bad things.
Feel of the place: Surprise me. Spinny is one of those flea markets you go in not expecting anything and come out with a toaster, new set of clothes, two pairs of shoes and a drawer. Or maybe you leave empty handed. It really depends on the week, day, year and the position of the stars.
Belle, Vantaa – Beautiful things in nice lines
Address: Iskoskuja 3, 01600 Vantaa
Rating: 9/10
Size: HUGE. Belle is a flea market within a shopping centre, Myyrmanni. It is literally one store sized flea market.
Pricing: Low to middle. Belle is a very affordable flea market as it isn’t in Helsinki which means the inflation of prices has not happened here. Belle has good quality things for little money.
Quality of goods: Great. Belle sells everything from antiques to clothes. We have found gifts and our kitchen plates from here.
Feel of the place: How well can a flea market be laid out! When it comes to layout and aisle width, Belle wins as a flea market. It is a place where you can really walk comfortably around and enjoy your time.
The ones with everything
Porttipuisto Recycling Centre, Vantaa – You can find EVERYTHING here
Address: Porttisuontie 7, 01200 Vantaa
Rating: 9/10
Size: Largest flea market I have been in. Multiple rooms in a huge hall full of things.
Pricing: Low. Recycling centres are worth the money!
Quality of goods: Varies. There is everything from vintage sofas to new dresses so the quality really depends.
Feel of the place: So many things – Why do we buy anything new? This place has everything, kitchen things, electronics, clothes, sofas, and photo frames.
Kyläsaari Recycling Centre, Helsinki – Random goods and surprises
Address: Kyläsaarenkatu 8, 00580 Helsinki
Rating: 7/10
Size: Large. A lot of goods in two floors.
Pricing: Low. As previously mentioned, recycling centres are good for your wallet!
Quality of goods: Random. This recycling centre has everything from animal shaped salt and pepper shakers to brand new hiking boots.
Feel of the place: A random selection of everything. Unlike the Porttipuisto one, the Kyläsaari Recycling Centre is a selection of the randomest things but if you have the time it is worth your while to check it out!
Red Cross Kontti, Vantaa – Good quality everything
Address: Tammiston Kauppatie 8, 01510 Vantaa
Rating: 9/10
Size: Large hall full of everything from clothes to bookshelves.
Pricing: Middle ground. As Red Cross is a charity the Kontti flea market is bit more pricy than self-service fleamarkets. Similarly to UFF this comes with some perks like organisedness and the quality of products.
Quality of goods: Good. Vantaa’s Kontti has really good quality things regardless of whether one is looking for a top or a dining table. I am planning to go check out their sofa’s soon.
Feel of the place: Industrial but practical. Many things in an industrial setting but also nicely laid out and easy to access.
Fasaani/Helsinki Second Hand, Helsinki – Wonderful old things
Address: Korkeavuorenkatu 5, 00140 Helsinki
Rating: 8,5/10
Size: Huge garage space full of everything.
Pricing: Expensive. Full of antiques and things from time gone which explains the prices.
Quality of goods: Pretty good. Everything from antique mirrors to old posters.
Feel of the place: The land long gone. Where did I just come into? This place is full of surprises and old goods from the vintage and retro eras of design and style.
UFF Freda, Helsinki – Vintage goodies
Address: Fredrikinkatu 36, 00100 Helsinki
Rating: 9/10
Size: UFF Freda is a good sized vintage store. Two floors and regularly changing lines makes it a place to visit over and over again. Vintage goodies from all eras and styles.
Pricing: From middle ground to expensive. UFF’s pricing (for a flea market) is somewhere in the middle ground but as we are talking about vintage some items can be on the expensive end.
Quality of goods: From meh to wow! UFF Freda sells real vintage which means you will want to actually look through your goodies before purchasing them. I have found amazing goodies here but also been disappointed when the shoulder-pads disintegrate into dust on my way home.
Feel of the place: Like an adventure to your grandmothers attic. The regularly changing lines helps keep UFF Freda feeling new every time.
Penny Lane, Helsinki – A visit to old Hollywood
Address: Runeberginkatu 37, 00100 Helsinki
Rating: 8/10
Size: Penny Lane is a relatively small vintage store. Whilst being in two floors there is actually not much store space but the racks are full of vintage goodies.
Pricing: High end. Penny Lane sells proper high quality vintage goodies which is why the prices can be relatively high.
Quality of goods: Great. Penny Lane sells quality goods.
Feel of the place: Time travel to the golden age of Hollywood. Penny Lane is worth the visit. The incredible two story shop is like no other in Helsinki. Even if you weren’t buying it is a place you should check out!
UFF Vintage Punavuori – A splash of color
Address: Boulevardi 30, 00180 Helsinki
Rating: 7/10
Size: Small and a little chaotic. If you love organised and well spaced fleamarkets UFF Vintage Punavuori is not your shop. But if you are a treasure hunter then this is your shop!
Pricing: From middle ground to expensive.
Quality of goods: Average. Good everyday vintage and great selection of shirts and trousers. Nothing too flashy or exciting but a good place for everyday shopping.
Feel of the place: Chaos full of goodies. In contrast to other UFF’s this one is more chaotic but still a place full of vintage goods.
Kallio Second Hand, Helsinki – Hipsters heaven
Address: Hämeentie 32, 00530 Helsinki
Rating: 8/10
Size: Small but lovely. Kallio Second Hand is full of cute things from floor to ceiling. It is a relatively small vintage/second hand store but it is one of those places that is nice to pop into when walking past it.
Quality of goods: Good. Great everyday vintage clothes and amazin little items.
Feel of the place: A step through the cool aunts wardrobe. A great little shop full of amazing things to find.
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